Home Organization Start Kit

3 Game Changing Spaces to Organize FIRST:

1. The mudroom: From lack of storage to spacious laundry areas, the goal is to make this space functional! Simply adding a combination of shelves, baskets, and trays for storage can help organize utility items, extra towels, and cleaning products. If you have the space, incorporate a shoe rack, coat rack and basket for extra accessories. Store rarely used items on higher shelves or upper cabinets.

2. The Home Office: With the massive increase in work from home setups, the home office space is becoming top priority for home buyers (and homeowners living and working in sanity)! Invest in acrylic boxes and file folders for office storage. Create a docking station for electronics, a command center for keeping things that need to get done and add compartments to drawers for maximizing your space while also staying organized.

3, The Closets:Goal when selling: You want buyers to see how much SPACE you have vs how much STUFF you have. Goal when living – Letting go = freedom. Remove overwhelm and mental clutter through an organized home. Pro Tip: Remove half of what is in your closet and then organize. Start with items you haven’t worn in over 1 year – create a pile. Then move on to shoes. Sort by color, style (sleeve length) and shoe type. Designate spaces for bags, purses and accessories.

This is STRAIGHT from the PRO: Holding onto the “extra” is the reason your house doesn’t stay tidy.

It’s not the kids. It’s not the small closets. You have too much!

You’re consuming too much, holding on to too much and making it harder and more stressful than it needs to be.

Physical clutter creates MENTAL clutter. Mental clutter creates stress.

We don’t need more stress or more stuff, we need more ORGANIZATION!

So Step 1 is to conquer the clutter and I have just what you need!

Whether you’re thinking of selling and need to get rid of the junk or you’re doing it for your sanity, I have your checklist to conquering the clutter and letting go (the full list of what to get rid of first)!

The checklist is just 1 of 9 pages of home organization how to (brought to you by my friend at Home Refreshment). Consider it your Home Organization Starter Kit!

Want a copy? Click here, tell me the space that’s hardest to keep organized OR just send me an email and tell me you want it!